Theological Education
Anyway, he is the latest edition to STM faculty. A great lecturer with a great passion for biblical studies (esp. NT). Well, talking about good lecturer, I think STM has set a relatively good standard in terms of its scholarship. We have many good and in fact outstanding lecturers in STM who have majored in various fields. We have good Biblical scholars (namely Rev Dr Ezra Kok, Dr. Lim Kar Yong, Rev Anthony Loke and others), lecturers who are well competent in Pastoral Studies/Spirituality and Religion (namely Dr.Voon, Rev. Dr. Soloman and others), Missiology (Rev Joseph Kumar) and theology (Mr. Sherman Kuek). [those mention here without the 'Dr' title are all Phd candidates who will be completing their Phd soon]
Having said that, I would strongly recommend STM as the good choice for those who wish to pursue their theological education. I am saying this because I was taken by surprise that there are some institutions (who call themselves as seminaries) in Malaysia with unqualified teaching force. The lecturer themselves does not possess relevant qualification and yet they offer biblical studies and other Pastoral studies. I really wonder how it is possible. It’s kind of hard for me to digest the fact that many students have enrolled into this kind of institution and are trained by incompetent lecturers. I really wonder what kind of theological education system that they can offer to their students? How can we maintain the standard of theological education in this nation if these kinds of so call seminaries keep on enrolling students and producing so call “future Pastors and Seminarians”.
So, why make life difficult, come and join institutions like STM for a good and recognized theological education. Having said that, I must confess that STM is not ‘heaven on earth’ or rather a perfect seminary. But, in comparison to many, STM is a good Seminary with well competent lecturer who are able to produce good students and Pastors.
This is solely my personal view and recommendation.
Good post Silvester! Totally agree with you that STM may not be heaven and earth but it has its strengths as well and I would recommend it to those who wants to be strengthened in their faith as well as to be challenged in their thinking of God. :)
PS: The pic of you and Kar Yong is so cute. :D
looks like we have a mutual fren :)
hehe... may i venture to ask which seminary does not have competent lecturers ar?
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